Sunscreen (Stabiliser / Cyanuric Acid)

Sunscreen (Stabiliser / Cyanuric Acid)

Reduces chlorine consumption in pools by up to 50% by protecting the chlorine from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. Ideal for chlorinated and salt water pools. Stabilizes the free chlorine and prevents chlorine breakdown by UV light from the sun. Without its use chlorine will not be able to sanitise properly and will be ineffective.

Features & Benefits

  • Protects chlorine from sun’s UV rays
  • Use in all chlorine and salt pools and Spas.
  • Essential for outdoor pools and spas using chlorine /salt sanitiser systems



Sunscreen (Stabiliser / Cyanuric Acid)

Sunscreen (Also called Stabiliser or Cyanuric Acid) reduces chlorine consumption in pools by up to 50% by protecting the chlorine from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. Ideal for chlorinated and salt water pools. Stabilizes the free chlorine and prevents chlorine breakdown by UV light from the sun. Without its use chlorine will not be able to sanitise properly and will be ineffective.

Features & Benefits

  • Protects chlorine from sun’s UV rays
  • Use in all chlorine and salt pools and Spas.
  • Essential for outdoor pools and spas using chlorine /salt sanitiser systems

Available Pack sizes
1kg, 2kg and 3kg


500gms/10,000 litres raises sunscreen levels by 50ppm
Levels between 30 and 50ppm are ideal. Levels over 100 ppm will cause Chlorine Lock.
There is no added benefit of levels above 50ppm